Tmj More Condition_symptoms Anyone Have Any Tips On Relieving The Pain From Tmj?
Anyone have any tips on relieving the pain from tmj? - tmj more condition_symptoms
im only 15 and Ive had TMJ for about four years. Your realllyyy bad, and I went to specialists and physical therapy for already, but I was wondering if anyone had some tips to do at home that could to relieve pain. I wear a mouthguard at night, I'm still rubbing my jaw completely stopped chewing gum, and even the cold, if their use is really bad. are a few tips on what to do?
Unfortunately, the MTA is a common and there is no real "experts" for this particular articulation. A night watchman is the only real way to "help" to the problem. The call should be to relax the whole night, but the counter can help you. Stress plays a role in the pain of the jaw muscles move in May by clinching or grinding of teeth at night while you sleep, your age is not unusual. As they grow, and TMD will decrease slightly. Come and go.
I think there is more to help. Sorry, I can not help.
Good luck.
I have TMJ too! received when he was 17 years (I'm now 28)
bear is the most to me, that I was not with a sock and fill them with some rice cooking, tied off and pop in the microwave for 1-2 minutes then put it in your jaw. The heat and cold to hurt me more.
for some reason, my doctor would not me a muscle relaxant. (I think they are very reluctant to medicines for the treatment of pain is), how to wear a splint, but I do not think that helps a lot, if at all. I had rice sock for a long time, and although it helps.
I tried to ease a little heat instead of cold, pain ... Sometimes it works better than ... So why not a muscle relaxant at night? Ask your doctor or dentist to prescribe Flexeril, which is an antispasmodic ...
Have you tried your stress, such as through exercise, meditation, etc? Often stress causes TMJ worse, and it is so hard to be young today!
Good luck!
- BrainBabe
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